Background: The transfer of all types of knowledge in occupational therapy practice is complex, and there is little agreement globally on the most important types of knowledge that inform clinical practice. This study aimed to uncover the perspectives of occupational therapists in the Free State, South Africa on knowledge transfer in clinical practice.
Methodology: Q methodology was used to collect data from 14 occupational therapists utilising Q Method Software.
Results: Factor analysis revealed two factors with eigenvalues of greater than 1. Factor 1 had an eigenvalue of 2.97, and factor 2 had an eigenvalue of 1.48. These two factors were constructed from six and five participants’ Q Sorts respectively, with the highest factor loads for factor 1 and factor 2. Thematic content analysis of these two factors identified two themes, namely: client-centred philosophy and practice informed through clinical reasoning.
Conclusion: The strategic use of Q methodology presented empirical evidence of the transfer and utilisation of all types of knowledge in clinical practice in the Free State, South Africa. The results indicated the transfer of propositional, procedural, personal, and client knowledge strengthens client-centred practice and manifests in clinical reasoning. Furthermore, the results indicate an interdependence between the types of knowledge, meaning that it is important that therapists utilise all types of knowledge and not rely on only one form of knowledge when they work with patients to promote well-being.
Implications for Practice
- Q Methodology is an ideal research method to identify the subjective perspectives of participants where different opinions on a topic exist.
- Clinicians hold a wealth of practice experience and personal knowledge that should be shared and captured through research.
- The client’s voice needs to be heard more often to ensure client-centred practice is not only an idea on paper.

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