rehabilitation; primary health care; occupational health; mental health; child development; occupational therapy; education; vocational rehabilitation; community-based therapy



In the interest of giving your publications more visibility and exposure, SAJOT will now be hosted on the ASSAf/Khulisa Journal site.  All back issues (published from 2011 onwards) have been successfully migrated to and are available on the new site. As such, please take note of the following:

New submissions:

  • This site will no longer accept any new submissions. All new submissions have to be made to the Khulisa site at:

  • All registered users were sent an email informing them of their login details for the new site. If you did not receive this email, please log in as follows:
    • Use your initial and surname (e.g. bsmith) as your username.
    • Click on ‘Forgot Password’ and follow the instructions to change your password.
    • Make a note of your new login details for future use.
  • All submissions currently in the workflow, will be dealt with on this site until a final decision is made regarding its suitability for publication. It will then be published on both sites.

Submissions currently in the workflow:

  • All submissions currently in the workflow will be dealt with on this site until a final editorial decision is made regarding its suitability for publication.
  • Once the workflow of all submissions currently in the workflow have been completed, the SAJOT site will be shut down and users wanting to access it will be automatically redirected to the new site.

Publication of articles:

  • At present, all articles are published on both sites, However, from 2025, all new issues will be published only on the KHULISA site.

We appreciate your cooperation in this regard and trust that you share our commitment to making SAJOT one of the leading journals in Africa.

Should you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact Blanche Pretorius at